Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th Weekly Report

We emailed with Gwen about our proposal of printing up stickers and making buttons and pamphlets with our $200. She was very enthusiastic about it.
We also talked with Gwen about implementing the logo we provided them with and sent it over to her to begin use on their website and facebook page.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Deliverable 2:
Apply the logo to the website and facebook page
Create facebook banner with logo
Create and distribute buttons and stickers
Create an info card to give out with the stickers and buttons to inform people.

Use the logo we created to print stickers and make buttons to distribute to supporters of VNE and supporters of the creation of the Public Bank. On May 5th they will have a meeting on many contributors to the cause so having buttons and stickers to distribute by then.